Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Reason #6

Bob Stoops, Head FOOTBALL!! Coach of Oklahoma University.

Urban Meyer, Head FOOTBALL!! Coach of Ohio State University.

Nick Saban, Head FOOTBALL!! Coach of University of Alabama

Google, is the most POWERFUL search engine in this world, and in many ways it is a reflection of our subconscious interpretations as a society.  When you type something in, Google automatically associates it with a word that is (supposed to be) related. Take a second and type in these 3 FOOTBALL!!! Coaches names and see what word gets associated.  YUP, we as a society have successfully associated the two words FOOTBALL COACH with ......SALARY.   

This hurts, not because I particularly like these three guys, or have a personal relationship with them, but I know what they represent, which in turn makes me respect them for what they DO. I or no other football junkie respects these guys for how much they get paid, the respect comes because all three of them represent a game that touches a lot of hearts.

Now, the great thing about all the information that we have on the internet is the fact that you can invite yourself to panel discussions.  Below is a link to a youtube clip, I HIGHLY recommend that you watch the full 50 Minutes, if you love football and are a bit concerned with the direction that we are taking the game.

BUT, pay VERY CLOSE ATTENTION  to 25:25-38:37.....

"The power is in the people and politics we address"...Tupac Shakur 

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