Saturday, September 28, 2013

Reason #59

We do live in a society in which the survival of female athletics depend SO HEAVILY on individual success stories, because of how rear the opportunities are.  Jackie Joyner Kersee, is a highly influential woman in female athletics, and in her Autobiography she explains HOW she was able to achieve her wonderful accolades.

  Page 38. 
"The Windows, the glass, the walls and the rest rooms were shiny and clean. The guard said they were going to name it the .......Mary E. Brown Community Center, after a woman from our city who had made contributions to the community."

"It featured a basketball court and bleachers. A library and rooms for arts and crafts, dancing and meetings occupied one of the square-shaped buildings adjacent to the dome."

Page 39.
"All the kids from the neighborhood spent time at the Center, but I practically LIVED there"

"The Center revealed a whole new world to me, teaching me things I wouldn't have learned otherwise. I was a HUMAN SPONGE."

Page 43.
As silly as it sounds, I had this idea that someone from Hollywood puts hidden cameras in houses and that's how stars are discovered. And so I stood in front of the big mirror in my parents' room for hours at a stretch, putting on a show-mimicking scenes from TV shows, doing voice imitations and rehearsing my dance routines- Just in case the talent SCOUTS were watching."

Page 47.
One day, in 1972, when I was ten, a sign-up sheet for girls track appeared on the bulletin board at the Community Center. If my legs are strong enough for dancing and jumping. maybe I can run fast, too. I printed my name."

..........And a couple years later


Now, if you watch those two videos. Aside from the enlightening conversation that is taking place, you will also SEE. "Presented by LEXUS."

 They have Strategically ADVERTISED the logo at the start of a question, and let the athlete give the answer.

NOW, if Lexus decided to place that ADVERTISEMENT on a are some possible OUTCOMES.


In that same book, She also explains how she got the LAST name "KERSEE."

She states, "Over time, Bobby Kersee became my confidant as well as my coach. During a trip to Japan for a track meet in 1982, as a joke I told a woman who was flirting with him that Bobby was my husband. Four years later, it was no joke."

And once the two of them became a TEAM......

The entire landscape of Women's Track & Field has benefited tremendously.......

$50 to SPONSOR a Try-Out.....

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Reason #58

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
- Maya Angelou

For individuals like me, who have invested a HUGE chunk of their life into the survival of the Sports industry, can understand the POWER of a story. If you hope have lasting success in sports, or in life, you had better not only KNOW, but stay true to your STORY...... Keep Reading 

"I never played the Game."  By, Howard Cosell

Page 225. He tells a Story about HOW the great "Sugar Ray Leonard" got involved in boxing.

Page 225. He states

" When Ray, the fifth of his seven children, was three, Cicero packed his family into a '57 Mercury and headed for Washington, D.C., where he worked as a night manager in a supermarket. He later bought a house in Palmer Park, a predominantly black, lower-middle class community in suburban Maryland.

Leonard's childhood was uneventful. He kept to himself, staying home, reading comic books, and playing with his German shephard.

Never much interested in team sports-he was too small to excel in basketball or football-he preferred wrestling and gymnastics and took up boxing ONLY because his brother Roger goaded him into it. Roger, a year older than Ray, had begun winning boxing trophies and waved them in Ray's face, chiding him for hiding at home with his mama.

And so, in 1969, when he was thirteen, Ray walked into the recreation center in Palmer Park and laced on a pair of gloves. There he came under the tutelage of two men who would start him out on his journey to fame and fortune.  They were Janks Morton, an insurance salesman who would become Leonards's closet friend and adviser, and Dave Jacobs, who worked for a pharmacy and in his spare time guided the center's boxing team

For reasons Leonard always found hard to explain, he knew almost instantly that he was meant to be a boxer, that this was the road he must take to achieve self-fulfillment. He was an outstanding pupil, absorbing every lesson that Jacobs and Morton taught him. Victories came in the bunches, and in 1972, he lied about his age so he could ........TRY-OUT for the Olympic team at the trials in Cincinnati. He was sixteen. The minimum age was seventeen.  During one fight, Johnson, a coach then, too, turned to Jacobs and said, 


So he Walked into a GYM, willing to put in the work. And a TRY-OUT was created. Now, that his boxing career is finished, the video below displays the trail he left.

One story told, opens the door for millions of others to get started.......gym44 

......50$ to sponsor a Try-Out

.......Speak on IT!!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Reason #57

Take a very close look at the image above. We all know the name, and the personal accolades. However, On the LEFT side of Cam Newtons CHEST. There is a SYMBOL. It is the Symbol of Under Armour. A clothing company that has made it a point to BUILD platforms and bridges, in which always OPEN THE DOOR for that NEXT PLAYER.


Marketing at its finest, the ADVERTISEMENT above, and both of the previous images of Cam Newton (captured during live games) are very reminiscent to each other......

.......and the RESULTS....

Success like this does not happen overnight, it takes years of commitment.  But, now that the door has opened for Under Armour to put Advertisements on TRY-OUTS, opportunities to further attach the brand to "TOMORROWS" PLAYER(S) will come there way......

......$50 to sponsor a TRY-OUT......gym44

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Reason #56

One of the most important things to know about SALES, and (ADVERTISING). Is that, NOTHING SELLS LIKE THE NAME. 

SPRITE, as you can see in the image above. Has kept its relevance for years, and as you'll understand by the end of this REASON. It's because, they spend a significant amount of time, thinking of CREATIVE ways to implement themselves into the SPORTS INDUSTRY.

 Unless you have been living under a rock over the past couple years, I'm quite sure that you have heard the NAMES. LeBRON James and Kobe Bryant.  The constant back and forth about who's the better player, is NOT what this blog is about.

 This blog, is specifically about. How SPRITE, has used very clever MARKETING techniques, in which place a HUGE emphasis on the athletes, YET TO BE DISCOVERED.

Which is VITAL, because sadly. There will come a day when those two will no longer be able to play the GAME.

And, it will be someone else's TURN to SHINE.

 ......(0:04)...."SCOUTING"........(0:11)....." Global .....TRY-OUTS"



.......(0:56).......LeBron James ......SAYS..."We are LOOKING FOR MORE PLAYERS".....

Therefore, SPRITE. Continues to stay fresh on the minds of young people, and OBVIOUSLY. Stays ....Relevant

SPRITE, also makes it a point to let the world know. That they are the REASON behind, one of the most popular events in our society. THE DUNK CONTEST.

Now, all that needs to be done. Is to take a very small amount of the Millions of dollars that SPRITE has already invested into sports, and put it towards POSTING TRY-OUTS.......gym44

.......$50 to sponsor a Try-Out

Monday, September 2, 2013

Reason #55

 That image above has triggered plenty of discussions within the sports industry. It is very difficult to reach an agreement, because each and every athletes situation is different.  The decision for players to TURN pro, is one that weighs heavily on a lot of people.

 Dwyane Wade, is one of the few players in which had a fairly SMOOTH transition from College to Pros. In his book, he talks about all that went into it.

Page (209-210) He states

"The other sports agents I met were all excellent. But one thing that Hank Thomas conveyed that the others hadn't touched on was the sense that he looked to help cultivate the whole person."

"Call it a vibe, a gut instinct. I just knew. That BECAME ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT DECISIONS OF MY CAREER."

"Hank sprung into action on my behalf............THE FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS WAS TO LINE UP...........TRY-OUTS"

On every TRY-OUT that gets posted on ( There are two Buttons. Reserve and Request.  There is great SIGNIFICANCE with that Request button, because when players are unable to attend the Try-Out that is posted.  They can REQUEST a Try-Out, and The LOCATION of the next Try-out will be Posted based upon the information that players send in.   

Therefore, Once a Coach posts a Try-Out using gym44. It officially opens the door for every single athlete that would fit the "Player Type."  Which should help agents develop a very clear business plan on the athletes that they are representing, and Hopefully make for SMOOTH transitions as future athletes decide to TURN PRO........gym44

....... $50 to Sponsor a Try-Out