Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Reason #67

Take a VERY LONG look at the that image above.  

And, once you watch the video below, YOU will see for yourself the DOOR that opens, If Verizon Wireless decides to place that Ad (in the top Right corner).... on a .........TRY-OUT

........only $50 to sponsor a Try-Out.....gym44

Friday, December 6, 2013

Reason #66

"I was clear about this in Purple Cow. I'll repeat Myself Here: If you want to grow, make something worth talking about. Not the Hype, Not the Ads, But the THING. If your IDEA is good it will Spread."

- Seth Godin, "All marketers tell stories" Page. 127

So,  Lets take that quick marketing lesson, and apply it to the world of SPORTS.

If there is one thing that will always be talked about, No matter the sport, age, gender, or LOACTION.

It's where to go for TRY-OUT(S).......gym44

And the GYM will always serve as the TOOL, that prepares players for Try-Outs of any sort

......Turn an (ADVERTISEMENT) in to an ......INVESTMENT.....

$50 to Sponsor a Try-Out

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Reason #65

So, lets develop a clear understanding of what you just watched. The worldwide brand TOYOTA created a 30 second (ADVERTISEMENT)........ and they obviously chose to place an  emphasis on BUILDING a Baseball Field. 

It should be clear after looking at those THREE photos, that once the decision is made to properly USE the sports industry to ADVERTISE, your brand takes on a life of its own.

After you've established a "Brand Name," Two things Become essential for SURVIVAL.

1. Positive Image
2. Getting People to walk Through the doors of those FANCY FACILITIES

Its Starts with a player walking into a GYM........

And if the Coach Likes what HE or SHE sees........

NOW, by placing (ADVERTISEMENTS) on Try-Outs. You have OPENED countless DOORS for players to WALK THROUGH......gym44

FED-EX and TOYOTA merge.......

Just in case you thought TOYOTA is the only company that uses  this (ADVERTISING) strategy.....

$50 to sponsor a TRY-OUT......