Saturday, May 11, 2013

Readon #40

"The Dynasty: Roc La Familia," Was Released on October 31, year 2000
(Keep that in mind, we are now in year 2013)

If I had to use one word that can fully describe the five individuals above, it would be SUCCESS. Which can be both a blessing and a curse.  The Blessings of being successful are obvious, there accomplishments have given them a platform to reach millions of people. But, the curse comes when attempting to find something that they have in common with people.  

Finding those traces of commonality is an extremely difficult task for anyone, because of the extreme complexities and uncontrollable impulses that truly define our character.  However, there is one thing that all human beings do, in order to survive. 



No matter who you are, or where you come from. Food is something that we all need.  So developing creative advertising opportunities for members of the food industry is something that sports will always help provide.  

Now, as you continue reading through this blog, you will constantly see that sports is being used as the REASON, for people to go out to EAT. And, as I stated before you will understand that the concept of going out to eat while watching sports, is something that the successful have taken advantage of, as it pertains to providing traces of commonality.

"Buffalo Wild Wings," has obviously applied this concept in many ways. As the photograph above shows (in the top left corner), they are willing to sponsor a FOOTBALL GAME. So, just think of the value they will see in sponsoring Try-Outs (OF ALL SPORTS, AND ALL LEVELS)..... for only $50.........gym44











I can find millions of examples in which this connection between sports and food have found common ground, and I am sure you can too. So, as I bring "REASON #40," to a close, I want you to pay very close attention to the information below. Therefore, you understand the EFFECT that this concept has on our culture, and when used CORRECTLY. It can certainly help YOUR restaurant EXPAND.

............. Any OTHER PLACES else to EAT?????

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