And, once you watch the video below, YOU will see for yourself the DOOR that opens, If Verizon Wireless decides to place that Ad (in the top Right corner).... on a .........TRY-OUT
"I was clear about this in Purple Cow. I'll repeat Myself Here: If you want to grow, make something worth talking about. Not the Hype, Not the Ads, But the THING. If your IDEA is good it will Spread."
- Seth Godin, "All marketers tell stories" Page. 127
So, Lets take that quick marketing lesson, and apply it to the world of SPORTS.
If there is one thing that will always be talked about, No matter the sport, age, gender, or LOACTION.
It's where to go for TRY-OUT(S).......gym44
And the GYM will always serve as the TOOL, that prepares players for Try-Outs of any sort
......Turn an (ADVERTISEMENT) in to an ......INVESTMENT.....
So, lets develop a clear understanding of what you just watched. The worldwide brand TOYOTA created a 30 second (ADVERTISEMENT)........ and they obviously chose to place an emphasis on BUILDING a Baseball Field.
It should be clear after looking at those THREE photos, that once the decision is made to properly USE the sports industry to ADVERTISE, your brand takes on a life of its own.
After you've established a "Brand Name," Two things Become essential for SURVIVAL.
1. Positive Image
2. Getting People to walk Through the doors of those FANCY FACILITIES
Its Starts with a player walking into a GYM........
And if the Coach Likes what HE or SHE sees........
NOW, by placing (ADVERTISEMENTS) on Try-Outs. You have OPENED countless DOORS for players to WALK THROUGH......gym44
FED-EX and TOYOTA merge.......
Just in case you thought TOYOTA is the only company that uses this (ADVERTISING) strategy.....
No Question, those commercials have a way of capturing a wide audience. Because, of the refreshing imagination that gets displayed, when those kids give the REASON for there logic.
However, it is with very clear intention. That the QUESTION posed to these children, was About either playing BASKETBALL in a "big fancy stadium, or a small driveway?"
Clearly, AT&T has used sports as an (ADVERTISING) platform to connect people all over the world.
Now, how do those stadiums get filled???
If you LOOK closely at the Headset in which coach is wearing, once again you will SEE an AT&T logo.
And Now, for a mere $50 you can place that logo on Try-Outs, in which both get rosters filled, and are a financial investment ...... gym44
...........Plenty of stadiums waiting to be filled
NETWORK- A group or system of interconnected people or things.
Of the hundreds and thousands of Conferences and Leagues that the sports industry has. When ONE has built up enough prestige to actually establish a NETWORK. It continues to elevate the game onto a new platform for new markets.
However, you did notice the Home Depot .......(ADVERTISEMENT). On those previous two photos, They have clearly chosen to place their logo on NETWORKS that get a ton notoriety amongst future PRO athletes, and here is why.......
He said, "you CAN'T DO IT PART TIME." Once the company became Financially successful. The owner Arthur Blank Decided that a Pro Sports team would keep the IMAGE of his company where it needs to be.
Now, you can Place that same HOME DEPOT logo on a TRY-OUT and create a brand new Network in which will keep the Atlanta Falcons rosters filled with quality players........gym44
Your reading this. Which means on some level, you have an interest on the strategies in which successful companies have implemented into their operation.
Amway Global. I will not sit here and attempt to explain the complexities of this company. However, I will say that they place a HUGE emphasis on BUILDING BRIDGES.
And the Sports industry clearly provides Amway with a platform to give their products authenticity. Amway Global owns the Orlando Magic, and as you keep reading you will see how much this connection with Sports has helped them STAY relevant to FUTURE ATHLETES .
Amway, is a "Direct Selling" company, and MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of products can be bought using the Amway system. Therefore, when there is something that can be bought "EXCLUSIVELY FROM AMWAY." There must have some credence to it. So, lets take a look at all that went into Picking the SPOKESMAN for NUTRILITE.
......3:34....."We Would Love to bring you in for a ........TRY-OUT".....
That's it. He said it himself, he did not think he was going get another chance to play football again. In that situation, him knowing where to FIND a TRY-OUT is something that would have been a tremendous asset. Luckily, he did get an opportunity to Try-Out for another team, and here is what happened.......
An opportunity was given, and a GOAL was achieved. Now, his story inspires millions of other athletes to do the same, and although he is retired from PLAYING. He still has an endorsement deal, and finding ways of getting athletes to show up to different venues....... is extremely important....... gym44
"A good partner can help you build your business faster and further"
Page- 138
"The most important thing in any partnership is to make sure you share the same philosophy and vision and that you agree how to implement them."
In essence, what you just watched. Is the relationship in which gym44 works to initiate everyday. When using the word "Try-Out" to attract people to a GYM. Here are some of the possibilities......
As you can see, there is a huge amount of stock that goes into developing athletes, because when one PLAYER reaches his or her ultimate potential, they develop a brand in which gives people a reason to achieve there ultimate goals.
Now Just imagine if there was a way for Trainers to ADVERTISE their services on TRY-OUTS........
Because we live in a world in which focuses so much on the glamorous side of sports, most fail to realize that MOST sports teams LOSE money. In today's world of sports, figuring out ways to keep sponsors happy is just as important as the actual game. And as you just heard in the video above, CREATING ADVERTISING SPACE is something that makes a huge difference when generating NEW revenue streams.
There you have it. He said "200 sell outs in a row!!!!" and the team is LOSING money. Now, just imagine how difficult things are for those teams that do not have a huge fan base. As a way of solving the problem, he did mention methods of outreach.......gym44
Now, by placing that (ADVERTISEMENT) on Try-Outs, the bridge between player and team will become solid, and allow for all the money that goes into to sports, to be TURNED into, an INVESTMENT.
I hope you get a chance to watch that entire video, it can be helpful to all people in Business. However, for the sake of time skip to 3:55 - 4:22 .....
And the only solution to this, is to find players, because when one player gets discovered. It sparks creative IDEAS in which continue to KEEP THE SPONSORS around......
We do live in a society in which the survival of female athletics depend SO HEAVILY on individual success stories, because of how rear the opportunities are. Jackie Joyner Kersee, is a highly influential woman in female athletics, and in her Autobiography she explains HOW she was able to achieve her wonderful accolades.
Page 38.
"The Windows, the glass, the walls and the rest rooms were shiny and clean. The guard said they were going to name it the .......Mary E. Brown Community Center, after a woman from our city who had made contributions to the community."
"It featured a basketball court and bleachers. A library and rooms for arts and crafts, dancing and meetings occupied one of the square-shaped buildings adjacent to the dome."
Page 39.
"All the kids from the neighborhood spent time at the Center, but I practically LIVED there"
"The Center revealed a whole new world to me, teaching me things I wouldn't have learned otherwise. I was a HUMAN SPONGE."
Page 43.
As silly as it sounds, I had this idea that someone from Hollywood puts hidden cameras in houses and that's how stars are discovered. And so I stood in front of the big mirror in my parents' room for hours at a stretch, putting on a show-mimicking scenes from TV shows, doing voice imitations and rehearsing my dance routines- Just in case the talent SCOUTS were watching."
Page 47.
One day, in 1972, when I was ten, a sign-up sheet for girls track appeared on the bulletin board at the Community Center. If my legs are strong enough for dancing and jumping. maybe I can run fast, too. I printed my name."
..........And a couple years later
Now, if you watch those two videos. Aside from the enlightening conversation that is taking place, you will also SEE. "Presented by LEXUS."
They have Strategically ADVERTISED the logo at the start of a question, and let the athlete give the answer.
NOW, if Lexus decided to place that ADVERTISEMENT on a are some possible OUTCOMES.
In that same book, She also explains how she got the LAST name "KERSEE."
She states, "Over time, Bobby Kersee became my confidant as well as my coach. During a trip to Japan for a track meet in 1982, as a joke I told a woman who was flirting with him that Bobby was my husband. Four years later, it was no joke."
And once the two of them became a TEAM......
The entire landscape of Women's Track & Field has benefited tremendously.......